Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today was a good day. I went to the gym and discovered that I've lost 2lbs (yay yay!)! I'm training for a 5k that's in April; I figured that's a good way to stay on track with losing weight and getting healthy. I want to run it in less than 30 min, as of right now I'm running 2.5 miles in 30 minutes.

As for the assignment, I still haven't met any one new; but I really haven't gone anywhere this week to do so. I have 3 more days to complete it and I will complete it.

Now for all of you who are trying to get healthy on your journey to SoulJoy I have a few tips to make this a good experience.

1. Find out what works for you. Meaning can you honestly work out at home and stay consistent? I can't work out at home ( it doesn't matter how fun the DVD) because I get distracted and I just don't feel like it, but when I go to the gym I'm there to work

2. Discover what time you have the most energy and what will fit your schedule. I use to make excuses that I'm tired and that I don't have time. I'm a mother of two 10-month old boys who just began sleeping through the night and by the time my husband would get home to watch them I was to beat to exercise. But I decided that I don't want to be overweight any more and that this is critical to my SoulJoy, so now I get up at 4:30 am to go to the gym for an hour.Guess what else: I'm no longer tired and sluggish. I'm energized and I started my day myself-- I'm no longer dictated to by the babies.

3. Wear workout Capri pants. They keep you from tripping and helps your shoe strings stay tied.( Hard to believe I know, but try it.)

4. Make sure your ipod is charged. My battery died mid workout today,it really put a damper on the remainder of my workout.

5. Don't drink to much water. You need water, but drinking to much while working out will slow you down, make you go to the bathroom, and hinder your calorie burning power. Just get your mouth and throat moist.

I hope these help you. Take a chance and join me on the Journey to SoulJoy.

I'd love to hear from you.

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