Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello, I took a holiday from writing yesterday. I met my workout buddy at the gym this morning to train for our 5K in April. We really pushed this morning, but it felt good. I can already see the changes in my body and I've lost 10lbs so far-- I'm absolutely elated!!! I've been browsing online catalogs to find the perfect motivation/birthday dress. I'm leaning towards a dress that can be worn 7 different ways from Victoria's Secret; but I'm having trouble choosing the color, I'm torn between sexy red or sophisticated black. I can see myself wearing a black dress 7 different ways, but not 7 "different" red ones. But the idea of meeting my husband at a nice restaurant looking sexy and daring in red is really pulling at me.
Anyway, I haven't completed the assignment yet, but I have one more day. I've talked to the cashier and small-talked for a hot second with someone gushing over the twins, but I haven't walked up to anybody and introduced myself. I'm sure it's a combination of fear and and not having a real opportunity, but I think it's the latter of the two. Tomorrow, I'm going venture out without the husband and the twins so I'll be a little freer-- I hope. :)
Here's to trying new things-- stepping out of our comfort zones. Here's to the Journey to SoulJoy!!!
Talk to you later

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