Saturday, March 13, 2010

It has been a while

Hey, sorry I've taken so long to write. I've had to re think my strategy. I'm still on my Journey-- going strong, actually. I've upped my workouts to 6 times a week and I've lost 16lbs thus far (Yay!!) But you know I've been thinking or it's beebn pressing me to take this a little deeper. I'm a Christian and real joy soul joy won't be found by superficicial means. You need a relationship with the Creator and the only way to do that is by getting a relationship with the Son, Jesus. I have no intentionof pressing my beliefs on you only to share with you the beauty of Christ. What my savior can do for your life. One year ago my life was in shambles I was pregnant with a rocky marriage, and the lowest self esteem possible. To me, life was barely worth living. But now because of God's grace and mercy I am a proud mother, a happy wife and blossoming woman of God on a journey to find a deeper joy and become my best person.
I'm reading the Yada Yada book series and its inspired me to do better; it has stirred a yearning in me to really become one with the Lord.

So once again I invite you to join me in the soul joy journey to be forver changed.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to introduce myself to one new person today. :)

    lexisherre, i'm Jaclyn. I came across your blog by way of a molly-whopping you gave to some blogger blasting Beth Moore. I was very pleased with your post. I found myself sucked into the blog like I was watching a bad Jerry Springer episode. You're post was so encouraging. I otherwise wondered, Is anyone really seeking Christ out there?? For people professing to be, I certainly didn't arrive at believing that was so.

    Anyhow --- I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I am also a recovering food addict among other things, striving, perfectionism, grade A idolater...Over the years I've gained and lost and gain more than 150 pounds. I've found that as I draw closer to Jesus in relationship in prayer and dig deeper into His Word, the more able I am to submit my flesh to His control. My 'win' is a more stable weight, less striving more resting in Him...I want to say something like "best of luck" in your weight loss endeavor...but that's not what I really mean. Your battle is already won, it's just a matter of time. :)

