Saturday, March 13, 2010

It has been a while

Hey, sorry I've taken so long to write. I've had to re think my strategy. I'm still on my Journey-- going strong, actually. I've upped my workouts to 6 times a week and I've lost 16lbs thus far (Yay!!) But you know I've been thinking or it's beebn pressing me to take this a little deeper. I'm a Christian and real joy soul joy won't be found by superficicial means. You need a relationship with the Creator and the only way to do that is by getting a relationship with the Son, Jesus. I have no intentionof pressing my beliefs on you only to share with you the beauty of Christ. What my savior can do for your life. One year ago my life was in shambles I was pregnant with a rocky marriage, and the lowest self esteem possible. To me, life was barely worth living. But now because of God's grace and mercy I am a proud mother, a happy wife and blossoming woman of God on a journey to find a deeper joy and become my best person.
I'm reading the Yada Yada book series and its inspired me to do better; it has stirred a yearning in me to really become one with the Lord.

So once again I invite you to join me in the soul joy journey to be forver changed.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

conquering my fearsd

I did it you all-- I met two new people...YAY YAY!!!! I was scared to introduce myself and everything in me said, "your gonna look like a fool". But I ignored that and did it anyway and you know what? It feels good; I accomplished my goal. Well, I met Jennifer at spin class and Tyleisha at church ( I chatted with them a little bit two).

Oh I also took spin class and it was fun. I was scared to try it because it was a whole hour, but I made it and enjoyed it. So, I've decided to add that to my workout schedule for Saturday. only thing is that my bum hurt because the bicycle seat is so hard. And there's all the "hovering" and "up" and "down" slamming your booty on the seat-- I had no idea that you did that much movement on a bike.

Tomorrow I will inform you of my new assignment; I haven't decided yet.

I'm loving the SoulJoy Journey and here's to you starting yours.

God Bless

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello, I took a holiday from writing yesterday. I met my workout buddy at the gym this morning to train for our 5K in April. We really pushed this morning, but it felt good. I can already see the changes in my body and I've lost 10lbs so far-- I'm absolutely elated!!! I've been browsing online catalogs to find the perfect motivation/birthday dress. I'm leaning towards a dress that can be worn 7 different ways from Victoria's Secret; but I'm having trouble choosing the color, I'm torn between sexy red or sophisticated black. I can see myself wearing a black dress 7 different ways, but not 7 "different" red ones. But the idea of meeting my husband at a nice restaurant looking sexy and daring in red is really pulling at me.
Anyway, I haven't completed the assignment yet, but I have one more day. I've talked to the cashier and small-talked for a hot second with someone gushing over the twins, but I haven't walked up to anybody and introduced myself. I'm sure it's a combination of fear and and not having a real opportunity, but I think it's the latter of the two. Tomorrow, I'm going venture out without the husband and the twins so I'll be a little freer-- I hope. :)
Here's to trying new things-- stepping out of our comfort zones. Here's to the Journey to SoulJoy!!!
Talk to you later

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Go after your dreams and live the life you were intended to live-- stop procrastinating and begin your journey to SoulJoy!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today was a good day. I went to the gym and discovered that I've lost 2lbs (yay yay!)! I'm training for a 5k that's in April; I figured that's a good way to stay on track with losing weight and getting healthy. I want to run it in less than 30 min, as of right now I'm running 2.5 miles in 30 minutes.

As for the assignment, I still haven't met any one new; but I really haven't gone anywhere this week to do so. I have 3 more days to complete it and I will complete it.

Now for all of you who are trying to get healthy on your journey to SoulJoy I have a few tips to make this a good experience.

1. Find out what works for you. Meaning can you honestly work out at home and stay consistent? I can't work out at home ( it doesn't matter how fun the DVD) because I get distracted and I just don't feel like it, but when I go to the gym I'm there to work

2. Discover what time you have the most energy and what will fit your schedule. I use to make excuses that I'm tired and that I don't have time. I'm a mother of two 10-month old boys who just began sleeping through the night and by the time my husband would get home to watch them I was to beat to exercise. But I decided that I don't want to be overweight any more and that this is critical to my SoulJoy, so now I get up at 4:30 am to go to the gym for an hour.Guess what else: I'm no longer tired and sluggish. I'm energized and I started my day myself-- I'm no longer dictated to by the babies.

3. Wear workout Capri pants. They keep you from tripping and helps your shoe strings stay tied.( Hard to believe I know, but try it.)

4. Make sure your ipod is charged. My battery died mid workout today,it really put a damper on the remainder of my workout.

5. Don't drink to much water. You need water, but drinking to much while working out will slow you down, make you go to the bathroom, and hinder your calorie burning power. Just get your mouth and throat moist.

I hope these help you. Take a chance and join me on the Journey to SoulJoy.

I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A chain is broken

Today, the doctor informed me that my birth control implant was still intact; PRAISE JESUS( I would have had to be resurrected if I was pregnant again)!!! I also took the boys to get their shots and the crying was minimal.

Now that you've been updated let's move on to the active part of my journey. So as you know yesterday I gave myself an assignment (meet two new people this week) to help conquer my fear of rejection. While I haven't done that yet I did make some ground in the area. Early this morning a close family member and I had a small fight and normally I say my side, but if the person isn't comfortable with my stance I'll back down and try to appease them in some way (note this behavior is only expressed with family). Well today I was going down that same path and God said "Stop!" I felt the worry of how that person was going to treat me or if they'd still like me later. And again God said" Stop!". And I realized that I can't control any one's feelings-- that its not my responsibility to make sure everything is all right and that everyone is happy. I then asked myself why am I apologizing when I don't think I'm wrong? The answer: I'm afraid of being rejected and not just by strangers. So today I checked myself. I didn't call that person and pester them, nor did I text them multiple I love yous; and you know what: that person called and apologized for their behavior.

Now let me make myself clear. I'm not saying never to apologize: if you've done something wrong say you're sorry; if you've legitimately hurt some one's feelings apologize for your approach if not for what you said. But to apologize when you've been treated badly because your afraid their potential reaction( whether the consequence is real or imaginary) is being a doormat. And that will kill your spirit.

Let me clarify before I get comments attacking the other person or hot line numbers.In my situation the other person isn't doing anything, but disagreeing. They are not withholding affection or being mean.I've acted this way because I've allowed fear to rule my life and fear will cause you to think things that aren't true and do things that you know you shouldn't.

Again, I invite you to take this journey with me. The Journey to Souljoy is one of self discovery and freedom. Who knew that freedom would come so soon. I've only been on this journey for one day and already a chain is broken...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Last night I announced that I was beginning my journey to souljoy; but I didn't explain what souljoy was or is. Souljoy is a state of being content, satisfied and immensely happy being you-- regardless of the confusion, circumstances or situations. Sadly everyone in life doesn't reach this destination; many of us passively exist and get beat up by the winds of life and become regretful. And if I had died yesterday I would have been one of those people. I refuse to be one of those people and by dedicating myself to strengthening my relationship with my savior and discovering my authentic self I won't be.

I also mentioned a few of my goals: to discover and do my passions, lose 50lbs and be fearless. Well I'm one of those Renaissance souls- I have many interests and I do well in many things and secondary passions change all the time. So right now I'm deciding where I want to direct my energies. My second goal was to lose 50lbs. I've never been thin or comfortable with my weight , but since I've had the twins it's become more of a problem for me. I'm tired of wearing girdles and giving up $8 every month for a Hanes bodyshaper. And for once in my life I want the cute bra on the rack, not the one that cost $10 dollars more because you have to special order it. I also believe I've allowed my weight to hold me back and stifle my voice. That brings me to my last goal: to be fearless. I have let so many opportunities pass me by because of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of judgment and fear of the unknown. I'm tired of being scared and worrying all the time. Fear has crippled me, but I'm on a journey of healing.

I just thought I needed to explain myself a little better.

In addition to working out and sticking to my paleolithic diet I gave myself an assignment. This week I have to introduce myself to two new people. I fully intend to conquer my fear of rejection.
So if anyone out there finds themselves in a similar predicament do this one assignment or join me on this journey.